News Articles
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”
"Triple Win" Client iMac Project Granite Bay View Magazine Article - Dec 2015
The article can be seen on page 36 and 37.
Thank you to Media Parent Thea Rood for writing and producing the article.
GBHS Senior @JesseUli finds success in local media opportunities …
GBHS Film Media student Jaden on @Eco_Company TV Sacramento Channel 31 Crown Award finalists by Columbia Scholastic Press Association
Granite Bay media students team with real-world clients | The Press Tribune Newspaper
Granite Bay media students team with real-world clients | The Press Tribune Newspaper
Thank you to
Global Leadership Alliance
in creating the opportunity for partnership.
Partnering with Caltrans
Granite Bay HS Media has partnered with Caltrans in producing their 2015 Excellence in Partnering Award Ceremony Video. Four students filmed and edited two versions of the video. Media worked with Caltrans to custom edit a shorter 9 minute version of the ceremony to promote the finalists of the Partnering with Caltrans program. The shorter video version was created to give to those finalists so they can use the video in their own promoting.
The partnering project is a win-win-win for the client, student, and Media program. Caltrans and the finalists receive a high quality product, the Media students have a client based product they can put in their reel and use to self promote, and the Media program is the recipient of a donated iMac.
This is the first of many partnering projects Media has started. A special thanks to Sam Hassoun for providing the opportunity.
Granite Bay High School launches state’s first IB Career Certificate program - Press Tribune Article
GBHS sets ‘ripple effect’ in motion - Roseville Press Tribune Article
GBHS tech students launch iPhone app - Press Tribune Article
Granite Bay students: future Apple CEOs? - Press Tribune Article