“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow know what you truly want to become.”
The following graduating students have completed the three course Career Pathway.
2020 - 2021 Graduates
Jake Russell
Ransom Allen
Parker Getz
Jacob Lesko
Hanna Myers
Gabe Jenson
Cade Hinds
2019 - 2020 Graduates
John Hill
Samuel Weinstein
Greta Gunell
Mason Lester
Bridget Lustenberger
Saba Menilek
Austin Gonzales
Blake Clements
Luke Randolph
Cade Scribner
Jake Walston
Lindsey Zabell
Matt Penkala
2018 - 2019 Graduates
Tristan Paperno
Colby Moresi
Marissa Larkin
Mikayla Deblaquiere
Saba Menilek
Chloe Peterson
Payton Wilkin
Joseph Nelson
Scott Martin
Dylan Beland
Emilee Griffis
Benjamin Hilburn
Isha Khullar
2017 - 2018 Graduates
Aidan Medina
Bella Acker
Colin Hassoun
Ian Mackey
Ian Washino
Jackson Zolmer
John Lang
Kasey Yean
Melia Zaballos
Nash Rood
Shawn Shah
Shianne Dingeman
Taylor Schwartzel
Tommy Mendoza Morales
Zack Sabbagh